Search a Doodle

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Toy Story 3 and Contact Page Update

Today was a great day. Me and my dad went to see Toy Story 3. It was a late Father's Day gift, I have been so busy working I did not get to go until today. The movie was great, but it had some real sad parts, joyfully sad and just sad sad.

It was great seeing some of the new characters though, I really liked Bonnie and the Ken doll was hilarious.

I do not really have a lot of my toys from my childhood. Not that I had many toys to begin with growing up. And a lot of my favorite books were destroyed when our ceiling leaked. I guess that is why I like art. All the things I imagine and all the things I ever want I can create for myself.

I also got around to putting up a contact form on the Contact page of my website. Now it is easier than ever to get a hold of me for projects, general questions and anything within reason! Not a lot of people have e-mail addresses they use all the time, so I have a box for your phone number as well. I tested it out, it works wonderfully!

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